BMC Standardization Team

BMC Standardization Team

Since 2013, BMC has established a standardization team that currently includes seven experts as of June 2024. These experts are involved in the establishment of both international and domestic standards. They have played a leading or participatory role in creating more than 30 standards worldwide.


5 technical experts have joined 6 international standardization organizations overseas.
7 technical experts have joined 10 standardization technical committees related to medical devices in China.



Continuously Nurturing in the Field of Medical Device Standardization


Our team has taken the lead and actively participated in revising multiple domestic and international standards. During numerous international standardization meetings, our experts have contributed nearly a hundred proposals and feedback, most of which have been adopted.


Contribution to International Standards

BMC's standardization technical experts have led the development of the high-flow respiratory therapy equipment international standard (ISO 80601-2-90:2021), which is now officially published on the ISO website. This transition from "followers" to "innovators" demonstrates BMC's commitment to contributing Chinese expertise to international standardization¹.


1.ISO 80601-2-90:2021, Medical electrical equipment, Part 2-90: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of respiratory high-flow therapy equipment,

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